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Mini FHL Registration Link for Special FHL with UOC Bishops - ages 6 -9
Jr FHL Registration Link for Special FHL with UOC BIshops - ages 10 - 13
Teen FHL Registration Link for Special FHL with UOC Bishops - ages 14 - 18(highschool)
What's it About?
Faith, Hope and Love - Home Edition! Provides youth with opportunities to gather on-line to learn about and discuss their faith. They can also meet other youth from across the country.
Each session we will learn about our faith and have some fun along the way!
You can access resources from earlier sessions toward the bottom of this page.
How do we join?
- Ask your parents if it is ok for you to paricipate.
- Make sure you have computer, tablet or Smart phone
- Use the link provide to join the session on ZOOM. You may need to download the app for ZOOM the first time that you use it
- Zoom will ask you to register - you will need an email address for this
- Follow directions and Join the group!!!!!!
- We will ask you to leave your camera on.
- We ask that your particiaption remain appropriate at all times.
- Please do not join us from your bed or lying down.
- DO enjoy your time with us and be ready to learn and have fun!
We take your safety seriously! We have put in place security measures to protect you and your children from any hackers.
Past Faith, Hope and Love Resources
Week of June 22nd
Story, Strech & Song with Miss Kira, Miss Denise, Miss Anya, Db. Ginny & Miss Natalie
Tuesday - Miss Anya and Db. Ginny for Ukrainian Language
Wednesday - Miss Kira, Miss Denise or Miss Natalie
Week of June 8th - Broaden Your Horizons Week - Our last week!
Story, Strech & Song with Miss Kira, Miss Denise, Miss Anya, Db. Ginny & Miss Natalie
Monday - Miss Denise
Where is Wisdom? by Scott James
Pictures of God: A Child's Understanding of Icons by John Kosmas Skinas
Holy Pentecost Project from Orthodox Pebbles
Several Ideas for Pentacost from Sprinkled With Joy
Tuesday - Miss Anya and Db. Ginny for Ukrainian Language
Wednesday - Miss Natalie
The Jesus Prayer and Me - Vasiliki Tsigas-Fotinis
Miss Kira
Week of June 1st - Mission Parish Week!
Story, Strech & Song with Miss Kira, Miss Denise, Miss Anya, Db. Ginny & Miss Natalie
Monday - Miss Denise
12 Holy Apostles - Song Garden of the Theotokos
Tuesday - Miss Anya and Db. Ginny for Ukrainian Language
Wednesday - Miss Natalie
The Jesus Prayer and Me by Vailiki Tsigas-Fotinis
Friday - Miss Kira
Week of May 25th - Seminary Week
Story, Strech & Song with Miss Kira, Miss Denise, Miss Anya, Db. Ginny & Miss Natalie
Monday - Miss Denise
Tuesday - Miss Anya and Db. Ginny for Ukrainian Language
Wednesday - Miss Natalie
Friday - Miss Kira
Week of May 18th - Broaden Your Horizons Week - Our last week!
Story, Strech & Song with Miss Kira, Miss Denise, Miss Anya, Db. Ginny & Miss Natalie
Monday - Miss Denise
Tuesday - Miss Anya and Db. Ginny for Ukrainian Language
Wednesday - Miss Natalie
Friday - Miss Kira
Week of May 10th - Mash-Up Week!
Story, Strech & Song with Miss Kira, Miss Denise, Miss Anya, Db. Ginny & Miss Natalie
Monday - Miss Denise
Tuesday - Miss Anya and Db. Ginny for Ukrainian Language
Wednesday - Miss Natalie
Friday - Miss Kira
Week of May 4th - Vocation: How your faith can influence your work.
Story, Strech & Song with Miss Kira, Miss Denise, Miss Anya, Db. Ginny & Miss Natalie
Monday -
Tuesday - Боже яка краса/God What A Beauty - Video
Wednesday - The Bible for Young People by Zoe Kanavas and Spencer T. Kezios, Trans
Friday - H is for Holy - An Orthodox Christian Alphabet by Nika Boyd
Week of April 27th - Witness to the Faith
Story, Strech & Song with Miss Kira, Miss Denise & Miss Natalie
Monday - The Ravens of Farne: A Tale of ST. Cuthbert by Donna Farley
Tuesday - What do you see in Liturgy? by Kristina Kallas Tartara
The Hokey Pokey - Dance (video) The Learning Station
If Your Happy and You Know it sung by Susan Reed
Wednesday - Drita: An Albanian Girl Discovers Her Ancestors' Faith by Rene Ritzi
Friday -This was the Day!: A Ukrainian Easter Story - by Anna Kmit
Week of April 20th - Bright Week!
Story, Strech & Song with Miss Kira, Miss Denise & Miss Natalie
Monday - The Miracle of the Red Egg - Ancient Faith Store
Christ is Risen! Sung in Different Languages Part 1 - Video
Christ is Risen! Sung in Different Laguages Part 2- Video
Thursday - Josiah and Julia Go To Church by Kelly Ramke Lardin
I Pray Today by Anglea Isaacs
Schedule Week of April 13, 2020 Holy Week
Story, Strech & Song with Miss Kira, Miss Denise & Miss Natalie
Monday - Christina Goes to the Holy Land
Christ is Risen! Sung in Different Languages Part 1 - Video
Christ is Risen! Sung in Different Laguages Part 2- Video
Tuesday - Celebrating Pascha - Video - Orthodox Pebbles
Shroud/Plaschynytsiya Icon - To print and use at home
Schedule Week of April 6th
Monday - Friday - Stories, Strech and Songs 12 Noon EST
FHL - Mini - Children 8 and under
Join Miss Kira, Miss Denise and Miss Natalie
Monday - The Oak Inside the Acorn by Max Lucado
Little One, God Loves You by Amy Warren Hilliker
Tuesday - Let's Take a Walk Through Our Orthodox Church by Fr. Anthony Coniaris
Poppin Bubbles - GoNoodle
Hokey Pokey by GoNoodle
Wednesday - Christina Goes to the Holy Land by Kh. Maria Khoury ( Video)
The Feast of the Annunciation by Lily Rowe
This Little Light of Mine - Video Cedarmont Kids
Thursday - He's Got the Whole World in His Hands
How to Make a Palm Cross - GOA
DIY Fan Palm Branches ( more advanced)
Palm Branches for Children (easier)
For FHL Jr (12:45pm) and FHL Teen (1:30pm)
Monday April 6th - Mash-Up -
FHL Jr - Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday
The Raising of Lazarus - Orthodox Pebbles Activity
Jesus Enters Jerusalem - Video Holy Tales Bible Stories
Palm Sunday - Orthodox ABC
Lazarus Saturday - Orthodox ABC
Palm Sunday in Jerusalem - Video
How to Make a Palm Cross - Video
FHL Teen - Lazarus Saturday, Palm Sunday and Confession
Holding Back in Confession? - Fr. TedTalks
Confession - Be the Bee
Jerusalem Orthodox Patriarchiate Celebrates Palm Sunday - Video
Tuesday April 7th - Ask Father
Wednesday April 8th - Publishing/Talents - Elizabeth Symonenko
Parable of the Talents by Max7 (video)
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - Publication of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA
Send Miss Elizabeth your artwork or stories at
Thursday April 9th - Ask Father
Friday April 10th - Lunch with Vladyka Daniel
Monday - Friday - Stories, Strech and Songs 12 Noon EST
FHL - Mini - Children 8 and under
Join Miss Kira, Miss Denise and Miss Natalie
Monday - When God Made You - Jane G. Meyer
My God is So Big - Video and Music
Milkshake - Koo Koo Kanga
Tuesday - And Then Nicholas Sang by Elizabeth Crispina Johnson - Out of Print
A Child's Guide to the Divine Liturgy - Ill. Megan Elizabeth Gilbert
Trisagion Hymn and The Jesus Prayer - Video and Music - Mommy/Daddy & Camp
Wednesday - Everything Tells Us About God - Katherine Bolger Hyde
Rise and Shine - Video and Music
Thursday Don't forget to find something in your garden and bring it on Friday!
The Trisagion Hymn - All Saints Camp MMDM 2010- audio
Friday My Orthodox Counting Book by Maria C. Khoury
St. Mary of Egypt - Potamitis Press
Ideas for Great Lent (St. Mary of Egypt) - Office of Youth Minitstry Pinterest Board
For FHL Jr (12:45pm) and FHL Teen (1:30pm) - SAINTS WEEK!
Monday March 30th - Mash-UP
Tithing - Presenter Alexis Naumenko - Jr National UOL President
Giving 10% - GIving to the Church - Orthodox Church in America
ST. Volodymyr and Tithing - Encyclopedia of Ukraine
Tithing - Presenter Alexis Naumenko - Jr National UOL President
St. Mary of Egypt - In the Wilderness
St. Mary of Egypt Printable from Many Mercies
St. Mary of Egypt Lesson - Dr. Pat's Church School - ages 3-5
St. Mary of Egypt - Turn Life Arount - Orthodox Education Blogspot
Mary of Egypt - Video - Lives of Saints
St. Mary of Egypt for all Ages - Frederica Matthews Green
Discussion of St. Mary of Egypt - Orthodox Livonia - Audio Lesson for Teenagers
Tuesday April 1st - Ask Father
Join Fr. John Charest and surprise friends His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and His Eminence Archbishop Daniel!
Fools for Christ
St. Xenia by Video by California Pilgrim
Wednesday April 2nd - Lunch With Vladyka
Choose your lunch and join Vladyka Metropolitan Anthony - learn about his favorite saints
Life of St. Panteleimon - Orthodox Church in America Website
Icon of life of St. Panteleimon - St. Panteleimon Church
Icon of St. Panteleimon - Archangel Icons
The Great Commandment - Fr. Myroslav Shirta
Two Commandments for our Time - Fr. Charles Baxter
Icon of St. Anthony the Great - Archangel Icons
Life of St. Anthony the Great - Orthodox Church in America
Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian - Printable Version - Many Mercies
Thursday April 3rd - Ask Father
Join Fr. John HCarest and a surpirse friend each session!
FHL Jr -
Fear of God - Be the Bee Video
FHL Teen
The Lord's Prayer: Forgive Us Our Tresspasses - Fr. Lawrence Farley
Forgiveness: The Heart and Repentance - V.Rev.Fr. George Morelli, Ph.D.
Five Model Saints of Repentance - Romanian Orthodox Church
Friday April 4th - Health
Healing Saints and Your Health - Fr. Anthony Perkins
Patron Saints of Healing - Romanian Orthodox Church
Saints Who Were Physicians and Healers - Orthodox Church in America - Dept. of Religious Education
FHL Teen
From the Front Porch - Youtube Channel Fr. Anthony Perkins
What Christians Can Learn from CrossFit - The Trench
The Power of Prayer in Medicine - Dr. Perry Carlos
Homeopathy: The Science and Art of Healing - Body, Mind and Spirit - Laura Josephson, CCH, RSHOM
Jesus the Physican - Fr. Thomas Hopko - Ancient Faith Podcast
The Ethos of Orthodox Healing - Dr. George Morelli
What is the Jesus Prayer - Video from Theoria
Monday - Friday March 23 -27
at 12pm EST
Storytime with Miss Kira and Miss Denise
Monday March 23rd - Anthony the Great by John Sarantakis, illustrated by Misha Pjawka available at Ancient Faith.
St. Gerasimos and the Lion by Georgia Kalogerakis - pub. St. Nekatarios Press.
Friday March 19
Archeology and Faith
Presenter Natalie Kapeluck Nixon
Natalie will discuss St. Helen, who many consider the first religious archeologist and what that has to with Great Lent and our faith.
Additional Activities for St. Helen or Sunday of the Elevation of the Cross
Sunday of the Cross - Youth/Family Handout - David Lucs Publications
Great Lent Pinterest Board - UOC Office of Youth Ministry
Veneration of the Cross - Children's Activity - Orthodox Pebbles
On the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross - Orthodox Christian Parenting
Veneration of the Cross - Orthodox Church in America
Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross - Greek Orthodox Archdiocese
Dr. Pat's Sunday School Lesson - Elevation of the Cross
Orthodox Coloring Page by Orthodox Sparks
Presenters Members of the Jr Ukrainian Orthodox League National Executive Board
Learning about stewardship and why it is important in our life as Orthodox Christians. Especially during this time of Great Lent.
Tuesday March 24th
Presenter Fr. Taras Naumenko
Fr. Taras will share some of the special music of Great Lent and discuss why it is different. You can share your favorite Lenten music. Make sure to have it ready to play!
Here are some resources from Fr. Taras' Presentation today!
Open to Us the Doors of Repentence
Pslam 137 or 136 - Source of By the Rivers of Babylon
Discussing Psalm 137 with Fr. Thomas Hopko
Prokemenon of Forgiveness Sunday
Turn not away Your face from Your Servant, for I am in trouble; speedily: hear unto my soul, and deliver it.
Let My Prayer Arise
Psalm 140 or 141 - Sourse for Let My Prayer Arise
Now the Powers - Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts
Wednesday March 25th
Presenter Michael Kapeluck
Michael will discuss two icons he is currently working on - The Raising of Lazarus and the Decsent into Hades(Pascal Icon). You will get to see his studio and learn about the icons.
Archangel Icons - See the Icons of Michael!
Introduction to Icons - Orthodox Cathecism Project
Introducing Hymnongraphy to Children through Iconography - OCA
All About Holy Icons - Video by Orthodox Pebbles
Holy Icon Crafts - Orthodox Pebbles
Icon Facts for Kids by Kiddle
Venerating Icons - Be the Bee
Icons to Color - Orthodox Church in America
Icons to Color - Sparks for Orthodox Toddlers
A Gift for Matthew by Nick Muzekari
Beautiful Things: An Orthodox Coloring Book by Megan Elizabeth Gilbert
From God to You by John Kosmas Skinas
Pictures of God by John Kosmas Skinas
Thursday March 26th
Presenter Michael Andrec
Michael is the Director of the Office of Archieve for the UOCofUSA. He will discuss a bit about what he does and then take us on a virtual tour of the current art display of the Ukrainian History and Education Center - Visible Music: the Art of Yukhym Mykhailiv
Art Work of Yukhym Mykhaliv - Virtual Tour
Stone Babas: A Modern Viewpoint - Art Ukraine
Yukymn Mykhaliv Biography - Encyclopedia of Ukraine
Friday March 27
Presenters Fr. John Haluszcak and Fr. Robert Popivchak
Fr. John will be presenting to FHL Jr. looking at the writings of Mother Alexandra of Holy Transfiguration Monastery. Fr. Robert will be presenting to FHL Teen looking at our faith and science.
From Fr. John
Lord's Prayer Slides - Coming Soon!
A Reminder: Fr. John has asked for you to help him write his book. Look at each slide and write down notes of how you would explain that part of the prayer or what it makes you think about. Email him your answers at
From Fr. Bob
Prayer in Time of Corona Virus - UOC of USA
Morning Prayers of Protection from the Coronavirus
Werner Heisenberg, the father of quantum physics, once said:
"The first sip of a glass of natural science will make you an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass, God awaits you. Will we be able to get to the bottom of the glass?”