/ National Programs / Sacred Arts Contest

Sacred Arts Contest

With the blessing of our Hierarchs, we are pleased to announce an opportunity for the youth of our church to express their faith.
The Consistory Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry wants to encourage youth and young adults to explore their creative talents and to glorify God through art, with the Annual Ukrainian Orthodox Church Sacred Arts Contest.  The SAC will take place every three years in conjunction with the Sobor.

Part of our mission, is to provide youth and college aged young adults the opportunity to become more involved with their faith, while showcasing the talented and creative youth we have within in our Ukrainian Orthodox Churches. We want our youth to realize that having fun and utilizing creativity can be manifested in a project that shows how they correlate their life with their faith.

Provided on this page are the rules and entry information for the contest. We ask that you encourage all youth and college students to participate.  Prizes will be awarded for first and second place. This year we will be focusing on visual arts. Participants may make their submission in any visual art form: drawing, painting, watercolor, computer design.

Questions about the contest may be made to the Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry at uocyouth@aol.com

How the Contest Works!
Topic 2022:  Pray for Ukraine!
See our winners and entrants below!

Topic, Age Groups, Resources

This year the topic is the same for all age categories

 Entrants will be judged within their age category.

Цього року тема однакова для всіх вікових категорій

Учасників будуть оцінюватися в межах їхньої вікової категорії.

Praying for Ukraine  Молимось за Україну



Entries will be shown and judged at the 23rd Regular Sobor

Конкурсні роботи будуть представлені та оцінені на 23-му Звичайному Соборі



Use any visual or performing art to show any of the following:

Використовуйте візуальне чи виконавське мистецтво, щоб відтворити наступне:

  • How are you praying for Ukraine? Як ти молишся за Україну?
  • How do you see or how can others pray for Ukraine? Яким чином інші можуть молитися за Україну?
  • How does your church pray for Ukraine? Як саме ваша церква молиться за Україну?



Age Categories:

Category Pre K – Ages 4 -5

Category One - Ages 6 -9

Category Two - Ages  10- 12

Category Three - Ages 13  - 18 (highschool)

Category Four - College 18 - 23

Adaptive Entries:

Parents, for youth with adaptive needs – please enter your child in their appropriate age group and check adaptive on the entry form.


Адаптивні Роботи

Батьки, для молоді з особливами потребами – будь ласка, внесіть свою дитину до відповідної вікової категорії та поставте позначку “адаптивна” у формі.

Winning Prizes
1st Place Winners will receive a custom Christmas Ornament of your winning photo and and a $40 Amazon Gift Card! Use of the winning photos will be used as a profile image on one of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA social media sites and featured in the Ukrainian Orthodox Word.

2nd Place Winners will receive an Amazon Gift Card!

All participants will receive a small gift of thanks for their participation! 


Rules and Instuctions English  Ukrainian

Age Categories and Topics  ENG/UKR


Thank you to all of our entries and winners!  There are four age categories to view. Hover over each piece of art to read what the entrants parish means to them. Click on the art work for a better view! Placements are listed within the text.

2022 Judges - Thank you!

Michael Andrec - UOC Consistory Office of Archieves - Archivist 

Fr. Andrij Drapak  - South Bound Brook, NJ

Db Oksana Pasakas - Ukrainian History and Education Center - South Bound Brook, NJ



Below we are pleased to announce the winners in their respective catagories. Congratulations!

Click on a picture to see them enlarged with their artist statements.

Group A - Ages 4-6 Anna Logvynyuk - St. Vladimir Parma, OH  the ukrainian flag is next to the church. We pray for Ukraine to God to save the Ukrainian people, Like I sve lady bugs from the water.
Group A - Ages 4-6 Anna Logvynyuk - St. Vladimir Parma, OH the ukrainian flag is next to the church. We pray for Ukraine to God to save the Ukrainian people, Like I sve lady bugs from the water.
Group A - Ages 4-6 Anna Logvynyuk - St. Vladimir Parma, OH the ukrainian flag is next to the church. We pray for Ukraine to God to save the Ukrainian people, Like I sve lady bugs from the water.
Group B - Ages 7 -9 Viktoriya Vygovska  St. Vladimir, Parma, OH    A soldier prays on his knees for Ukraine. GOd makeds life better.
Group B - Ages 7 -9 Viktoriya Vygovska St. Vladimir, Parma, OH A soldier prays on his knees for Ukraine. GOd makeds life better.
Group B - Ages 7 -9 Viktoriya Vygovska St. Vladimir, Parma, OH A soldier prays on his knees for Ukraine. GOd makeds life better.
Group C - Ages 10 - 12 Tatianna Korotynsky  St. Vladimir, Philadelphia, PA   As the sunflower symbolizes beauty in Ukraine, we pray that Ukraine will continue to flourish throughout the hardships of war.
Group C - Ages 10 - 12 Tatianna Korotynsky St. Vladimir, Philadelphia, PA As the sunflower symbolizes beauty in Ukraine, we pray that Ukraine will continue to flourish throughout the hardships of war.
Group C - Ages 10 - 12 Tatianna Korotynsky St. Vladimir, Philadelphia, PA As the sunflower symbolizes beauty in Ukraine, we pray that Ukraine will continue to flourish throughout the hardships of war.
Group D - Ages 13 - 18  Anastasiia Chyvevska St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies
Group D - Ages 13 - 18 Anastasiia Chyvevska St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies
Group D - Ages 13 - 18 Anastasiia Chyvevska St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies
Group E - College Ages & Overall People's Choice- Sophia Zharsky  Holy Trinity, Trenton, NJ   When we pray for Ukraine, I see her in flames and mourning from Russian aggressions. But I believe that light will overcome evil.
Group E - College Ages & Overall People's Choice- Sophia Zharsky Holy Trinity, Trenton, NJ When we pray for Ukraine, I see her in flames and mourning from Russian aggressions. But I believe that light will overcome evil.
Group E - College Ages & Overall People's Choice- Sophia Zharsky Holy Trinity, Trenton, NJ When we pray for Ukraine, I see her in flames and mourning from Russian aggressions. But I believe that light will overcome evil.
Overall People's Choice - Yulya Zubko  Holy Ascension, Maplewood, NJ
Overall People's Choice - Yulya Zubko Holy Ascension, Maplewood, NJ
Overall People's Choice - Yulya Zubko Holy Ascension, Maplewood, NJ

Below you will find the runner-ups in each category. Congratulations!

Click on a picture to see them enlarged with their artist statements.

Group A - Ages 4 -6  Melania St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies, Parma, OH
Group A - Ages 4 -6 Melania St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies, Parma, OH
Group A - Ages 4 -6 Melania St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies, Parma, OH
Group A People's Choice - Leo Messerly - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies, Parma, OH  - Go to church and pray for Ukraine.
Group A People's Choice - Leo Messerly - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies, Parma, OH - Go to church and pray for Ukraine.
Group A People's Choice - Leo Messerly - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies, Parma, OH - Go to church and pray for Ukraine.
Group B - Ages 7-9 Kira Vyhovska  St. Vladimir, Parma, OH - Putin stop war in Ukraine!
Group B - Ages 7-9 Kira Vyhovska St. Vladimir, Parma, OH - Putin stop war in Ukraine!
Group B - Ages 7-9 Kira Vyhovska St. Vladimir, Parma, OH - Putin stop war in Ukraine!
Group B - Ages 7-9 Daniel K.  St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies
Group B - Ages 7-9 Daniel K. St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies
Group B - Ages 7-9 Daniel K. St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies
Group C - Ages 10 - 12 Ivanka Sheremeta  St. Michael/St. George Minneapolis, MN
Group C - Ages 10 - 12 Ivanka Sheremeta St. Michael/St. George Minneapolis, MN
Group C - Ages 10 - 12 Ivanka Sheremeta St. Michael/St. George Minneapolis, MN
Group C People's Choice - Tatianna Korotynsky  St. Vladimir Philadelphia, PA  - As the sunflower symbolizes beauty in Ukraine, we pray that Ukraine will continue to flourish throughout the hardships of war.
Group C People's Choice - Tatianna Korotynsky St. Vladimir Philadelphia, PA - As the sunflower symbolizes beauty in Ukraine, we pray that Ukraine will continue to flourish throughout the hardships of war.
Group C People's Choice - Tatianna Korotynsky St. Vladimir Philadelphia, PA - As the sunflower symbolizes beauty in Ukraine, we pray that Ukraine will continue to flourish throughout the hardships of war.
Group D - Ages 13 - 18  Taras St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies
Group D - Ages 13 - 18 Taras St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies
Group D - Ages 13 - 18 Taras St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies
Group D People's Choice - Vasylko  St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Group D People's Choice - Vasylko St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Group D People's Choice - Vasylko St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Group E - College Age  Victoria Swindle - My entry is a watercolor of a girl praying before an icon of Jesus Christ. On the wall there is also a painting of a Ukrainian village home. My Ukrainian Orthodox faith is at the forefront of my life.
Group E - College Age Victoria Swindle - My entry is a watercolor of a girl praying before an icon of Jesus Christ. On the wall there is also a painting of a Ukrainian village home. My Ukrainian Orthodox faith is at the forefront of my life.
Group E - College Age Victoria Swindle - My entry is a watercolor of a girl praying before an icon of Jesus Christ. On the wall there is also a painting of a Ukrainian village home. My Ukrainian Orthodox faith is at the forefront of my life.

Congratulations to all of our entrants. You created beautiful pieces of artwork praying for Ukraine!


Enjoy all of our entrants artwork below by age group category.

Click on a picture to see it enlarged.

Group A ages 4-6
Dianna - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies
Dianna - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies
Dianna - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies
Viktoriya Dudyak - St. Vladimir, Parma, OH  I draw my church where I pray for Ukraine
Viktoriya Dudyak - St. Vladimir, Parma, OH I draw my church where I pray for Ukraine
Viktoriya Dudyak - St. Vladimir, Parma, OH I draw my church where I pray for Ukraine
Lucas - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Lucas - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Lucas - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Daniel - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Daniel - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Daniel - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Yuliana - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Yuliana - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Yuliana - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Sasha - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Sasha - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Sasha - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Veronika - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Veronika - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Veronika - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Alina - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Alina - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Alina - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Peter - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Peter - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Peter - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Kateryna - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Kateryna - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Kateryna - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Max - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Max - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Max - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Teodore - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Teodore - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Teodore - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Yana Lehan - Age 6 - St. Michael/St. George, Minneapolis, MN
Yana Lehan - Age 6 - St. Michael/St. George, Minneapolis, MN
Yana Lehan - Age 6 - St. Michael/St. George, Minneapolis, MN
Sviatoslava Turka - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies
Sviatoslava Turka - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies
Sviatoslava Turka - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies
Evelinka - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies
Evelinka - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies
Evelinka - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies
Caden Sullo - Age 5 - St. Michael, Woonsocket, RI
Caden Sullo - Age 5 - St. Michael, Woonsocket, RI
Caden Sullo - Age 5 - St. Michael, Woonsocket, RI
Dima - St. John Baptist, Portland, OR
Dima - St. John Baptist, Portland, OR
Dima - St. John Baptist, Portland, OR
St. John Baptist, Portland, OR
St. John Baptist, Portland, OR
St. John Baptist, Portland, OR
St. John Baptist, Portland, OR
St. John Baptist, Portland, OR
St. John Baptist, Portland, OR
St. John Baptist, Portland, OR - I pray for Ukraine. I wish for Ukraine to be safe.
St. John Baptist, Portland, OR - I pray for Ukraine. I wish for Ukraine to be safe.
St. John Baptist, Portland, OR - I pray for Ukraine. I wish for Ukraine to be safe.

Group B Ages 7-9
Mykola Mahlay - Age 8 - St. Vladimir, Parma, OH   The colorful rainbow means for good, happiness and no sin.  The sun gives the light to see God. Light means freedom. The sunflower stands up for the nation of Ukraine. The bells warn people before danger
Mykola Mahlay - Age 8 - St. Vladimir, Parma, OH The colorful rainbow means for good, happiness and no sin. The sun gives the light to see God. Light means freedom. The sunflower stands up for the nation of Ukraine. The bells warn people before danger
Mykola Mahlay - Age 8 - St. Vladimir, Parma, OH The colorful rainbow means for good, happiness and no sin. The sun gives the light to see God. Light means freedom. The sunflower stands up for the nation of Ukraine. The bells warn people before danger
Yana - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Yana - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Yana - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Alexa - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Alexa - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Alexa - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Adelina - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Adelina - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Adelina - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Eva Kulbanska - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Eva Kulbanska - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Eva Kulbanska - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Isabel Garcia - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Isabel Garcia - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Isabel Garcia - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Andriy - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Andriy - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Andriy - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Maksim - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Maksim - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Maksim - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Anatoliy Yulynyuk - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Anatoliy Yulynyuk - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Anatoliy Yulynyuk - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Marko - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Marko - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Marko - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Eva Yushynyn - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Eva Yushynyn - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Eva Yushynyn - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Dianna - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Dianna - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Dianna - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Aleksander - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Aleksander - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Aleksander - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Ostap Dorosh - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Ostap Dorosh - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Ostap Dorosh - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Veronika - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Veronika - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Veronika - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Anna Lahan - Age 8 - St. Michael/St. George, Minneapolis, MN
Anna Lahan - Age 8 - St. Michael/St. George, Minneapolis, MN
Anna Lahan - Age 8 - St. Michael/St. George, Minneapolis, MN
Arsenii Hot - Age 7 - Holy Ascension, Maplewood, NJ
Arsenii Hot - Age 7 - Holy Ascension, Maplewood, NJ
Arsenii Hot - Age 7 - Holy Ascension, Maplewood, NJ
Timyr Kohdryshyn - Age 9 - Holy Ascension, Maplewood, NJ
Timyr Kohdryshyn - Age 9 - Holy Ascension, Maplewood, NJ
Timyr Kohdryshyn - Age 9 - Holy Ascension, Maplewood, NJ
Thomas Romanowski - Age 9 - Holy Ascension, Maplewood, NJ
Thomas Romanowski - Age 9 - Holy Ascension, Maplewood, NJ
Thomas Romanowski - Age 9 - Holy Ascension, Maplewood, NJ
Liberty Sullo - Age 9 - St. Michael, Woonsocket, RI
Liberty Sullo - Age 9 - St. Michael, Woonsocket, RI
Liberty Sullo - Age 9 - St. Michael, Woonsocket, RI
Eva Harris - Age 7 - St. Michael, Woonsocket, RI
Eva Harris - Age 7 - St. Michael, Woonsocket, RI
Eva Harris - Age 7 - St. Michael, Woonsocket, RI
Evelyn Skocypec - Age 9 - St. Michael, Woonsocket, RI
Evelyn Skocypec - Age 9 - St. Michael, Woonsocket, RI
Evelyn Skocypec - Age 9 - St. Michael, Woonsocket, RI
Joseph Sullo - Age 9 - St. Michael, Woonsocket, RI
Joseph Sullo - Age 9 - St. Michael, Woonsocket, RI
Joseph Sullo - Age 9 - St. Michael, Woonsocket, RI
St. John Baptist, Portland, OR
St. John Baptist, Portland, OR
St. John Baptist, Portland, OR
St. John Baptists, Portland, OR
St. John Baptists, Portland, OR
St. John Baptists, Portland, OR
Vika - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Vika - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Vika - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH

Group C Ages 10 - 12
Danica Ost - Age 10 - Assumption of Virgin Mary, North Hampton, PA  These are my hands praying for Ukraine.
Danica Ost - Age 10 - Assumption of Virgin Mary, North Hampton, PA These are my hands praying for Ukraine.
Danica Ost - Age 10 - Assumption of Virgin Mary, North Hampton, PA These are my hands praying for Ukraine.
Sophie Cole - Age 10 - St. Michael, Woonsocket, RI
Sophie Cole - Age 10 - St. Michael, Woonsocket, RI
Sophie Cole - Age 10 - St. Michael, Woonsocket, RI
Constantine Ivasiv - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Constantine Ivasiv - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Constantine Ivasiv - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Sofia - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Sofia - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Sofia - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Solomiia Meilnychyuk - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies
Solomiia Meilnychyuk - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies
Solomiia Meilnychyuk - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies
Zahar - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Zahar - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Zahar - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Bozhenna Bykalo - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Bozhenna Bykalo - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Bozhenna Bykalo - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Matvii Cherkasii - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Matvii Cherkasii - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Matvii Cherkasii - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Mariia - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Mariia - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Mariia - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH

Group D Ages 13 - 18
Oleh Fetsyak -Age 15 -  St. John Baptist, Portland, OR  I pray for Ukraine by going to the church and doing my best to serve in the altar.  I spread the word to my friends so that they pray with me. The biggest prayer that I give to Ukraine is praying for
Oleh Fetsyak -Age 15 - St. John Baptist, Portland, OR I pray for Ukraine by going to the church and doing my best to serve in the altar. I spread the word to my friends so that they pray with me. The biggest prayer that I give to Ukraine is praying for
Oleh Fetsyak -Age 15 - St. John Baptist, Portland, OR I pray for Ukraine by going to the church and doing my best to serve in the altar. I spread the word to my friends so that they pray with me. The biggest prayer that I give to Ukraine is praying for
Maria - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Maria - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Maria - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Roksolana - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Roksolana - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Roksolana - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Solomiya - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Solomiya - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Solomiya - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Mykola Logvynyuk
Mykola Logvynyuk
Mykola Logvynyuk
Daria  - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Daria - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Daria - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Emilia - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Emilia - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Emilia - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Ryslan - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Ryslan - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Ryslan - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
anton - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
anton - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
anton - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Dmytro - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Dmytro - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Dmytro - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Anna - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Anna - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Anna - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Kira - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Kira - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH
Kira - St. Vladimir School of Ukrainian Studies Parma, OH

2019 Sacred Arts Contest Entries

Thank you to all of our entries and winners!  There are four age categories to view. Hover over each piece of art to read what the entrants parish means to them. Click on the art work for a better view! Placements are listed within the text.

2019 Judges - Thank you!

Michael Andrec - UOC Consistory Office of Archieves - Archivist 

Fr. Vasyl Dovgan - Pastor, St. Nicholas UOC - Troy, NY

Natalia Honcharenko - Ukrainian History and Education Center - South Bound Brook, NJ

Vitaliy Hrytsay - Owner Vitaliy Hrytsay Business Signage - Philadelphia, PA

Elizabeth Symonenko - Editor - Ukrainian Orthodox Word 


2019 Sacred Arts Entrants Group A ages 4-6

(8 images)

Daniel Nahursky - Age 6 - Portland, OR - Family with which we pray every Sunday to get God's grace.
Garret Oleksa - Age 5 - Carnegie, PA - This is the inside of my church. The way I see it from my seat. In front is Fr. John. Next to him is his angel. The big angel is our iconostas.
Group A Second Place and People's Choice Runner Up- Lisanna Prysianzhna Age 4 - Chicago, IL - I like to go t communion.
Group A First Place - Mikita Zybachynsky Age 6 - Portland, OR - My parish teaches me to pray and brings my family and friends together.
Sasha Forester Age 4 - Portland, OR - Characters. Friends. Celebration!!!
Seamus Hamilton Age 6 - Charlottesville, VA - My art shows my church logo. I love my church. My church is really pretty and I like my priest Fr. Robert. I have friends and the food is really good.
Sebastian Charest Age 4 - Carnegie, PA - This is the front of the altar. In the middle are the royal doors. The deacon doors are on the sides. Above the door is the last supper and next to it are the apostles. On top is Noah's ark and the cross.
Veronkia Wisniowski Age 6 - Chicago, IL - I like to seek my friends at church.

Sacred Arts Group B Entries - Ages 7 - 9

(5 images)

Category B Second Place - Danica Ost Age 7 - Northampton, PA - I picked this side of my church because I liked the way this side sparkled because that's where the sun was!
David Mykytyuk Age 9 - Portland, OR - What a parish means to me is that when you enter the church, always crest yourself because it is important to Jesus and God.
Max Mykytyuk Age 7 - Portland, OR - Church is so you can go pray.
Category B First Place and People's Choice Runner-up - Natalie Hamilton Age 8 - Charlottesville, VA - It shows when Metropolitan Antony visited our parish. St. Nicholas parish means a lot to me, because the people are really special. They are like family and Fr. Robert is really nice.
Sasha Altman Age 9 - Portland, OR - My parish is important to me because we sing to God. It brings my family together to pray.

Sacred Arts Category C - Ages 10 - 12

(7 images)

Andrew Maddelen Age 12 - Trenton, NJ - My parish is important to me because it is where I serve the Lord. It is also where I go to pray for the ones I've lost. I feel that I have a God given talent for art and I thank the Lord for that!
Daniel Shushakov Age 10 - Portland, OR - My parish means loving God and fun and prayers.
Category C First Place Oleg Oleg Festyak Age 12 - Portland, OR - The landscapes on my picture represent peace. While the shepherd and the sheep mean God (shepherd) and the people (the sheep). And finally the church represents where the people pray on Sundays.
Category C Second Place Halyna Fronchak Age 10 - Chicago, IL - I like the front doors of our church and how nice it looks!
Category C Second Place Masha Malik Age 12 - Chicago, IL - I drew a picture of my church because it is where I go to practice my religion.
Category C Second Place Mary Kokuvshelli Age 11 - Carnegie, PA - I love all things about my parish and going to Liturgy.
People's Choice Runner Up - Adaptive Entry - Theodore Nixon Age 12 - Carnegie, PA - This is my church. I love my church. 3 crosses on top of my church. In the middle is our church party. Bottom right is Fr. John's house. Fr. John's dog Lucky is in the house.

Sacred Arts Category D - Ages 13 -18

(1 images)

Category D First Place Sophia Komsha Age 13 - Portland, OR - I have written a haiku within my entry to tell what my parish means to me.

Sacred Arts Category E - College

(3 images)

People's Choice Winner and Category E Second PlaceAndrianna Fitza - Bensenville, IL - Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Bensenville IL is my parish. Everyone is very welcoming, and treats each other like family. Our priests are role-models for us - models of spiritual strength, and how to be active in a positive way within our community. Our parish keeps our wonderful Ukrainian tradition, with various activities throughout the week. We know that the Trinity holds and protects our parish, and that is what I depicted in my sketch.
People's Choice Runner-up Anna Swindle, Arnold, PA - My parish is important to me in multiple ways. It has given me a second family who love and care for me like I am their own child. The church has also given me the Ten Commandments which I use everyday in my personal life in a way I should act.
Category E First Place Victoria Swindle - Arnold, PA - I decided to a water color painting of a stained glass window in my church. Every Ukrainian Orthodox Church has a different style to their windows that makes them unique. Just like the windows each parishioner at my church shines bright in their own way because they have their hearts filled with the love our our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

2018 Faith & Photography Winners

We are pleased to congratulate this year's winners of the Faith & Photography Contest! To view the larger photo, view the slideshow. Hover over the image to learn about the contestant and how their photo was important to the history of their parish.

(6 images)

Ages 10 -12 Second Place Qorey Carter - My photo is of Bishop Joseph A. Zuk. He is an important part of my church’s history. When he came to serve in my church in 1931 he was Fr. Joseph Zuk. This year we celebrated 100 years of orthodoxy in America and I learned that Father Zuk was ordained as the first bishop in the new Orthodox Church of America in 1932. Bishop Zuk was the first fulltime pastor in our church. He continued to serve at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church until he died in 1934.
Ages 10 -12 1st Place Alexandra Sabin - The picture I took shows a piece of my parish’s history because it shows the name of the people that helped to build the parish we currently worship in. The children of the original benefactors(as seen in the photo) still come to my church, which I get to see every Sunday. The history of our parish lives with them.
College 1st Place Victoria Swindle - From the help of my parish priest, I was fortunate enough to handle and look at the original blueprints that were drawn for my parish in the year 1927. Just two years later, the building was complete and families along with friends came together under the Ukrainian Orthodox faith to worship. As the years went by, hundreds of people have walked through the doors, and as a current member I am proud to be apart of the rich history of this church.
Ages 13 -18 Second Place Clarissa Sabin - This picture shows a piece of my parish's history because it shows the time capsule of my parish. When our parish was first built in 1941, the builders and priests present decided to make this capsule in order for the next generation to discover. No one knows what is in the time capsule, but in 2041 (100 years after the parish was built) the time capsule will be opened by the current members of the parish. History will be discovered within it.
Ages 13 - 18 Third Place Anna Swindle - I chose to take a picture of the priest and his wife who founded my parish. One of the parishioners of my church is the granddaughter of this couple, which just shows how the word of Jesus Christ can truly last from generations to generations. 93 years ago this couple made the decision to build my parish and I am beyond grateful for them doing so, because I wouldn’t be who I am today without my parish.
Ages 13 - 18 First Place Ryan Anderson - My photo is a picture of a very intricate gospel. This gospel tells a special history about what the first parishioners of our parish used during the liturgy. This gospel dates back to the beginning of our church over 100 years ago. My great-grandparents venerated the same gospel I serve with.
Office of Youth Ministries


The Office of Youth Ministries is the Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries and Office of Camping Ministries of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA.

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Patron Saints


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Office of Youth Ministry

PO Box 869
Carnegie, PA 15106

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412-977-2010 (Phone)

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